Esa Kotilainen: -51°C

-51°C cover
  1. Syksy 9:07
  2. Golggotmánnu 4:10
  3. Talvi -51°C 6:20
  4. Hongankolistaja 10:32
  5. Kutu (ARP 2600 ja sammakot) 7:30
CD: Presence Records PRECD 024 (2010)

Music composed, arranged, played, recorded and mixed by Esa Kotilainen at Musapaja Studios
Mastered by Petri Majuri at Seawolf Studios, June 2010
Executive producer Matti Kervinen
Cover by Jari Loisa from the original photos of Heikki Jokiniemi


Cor Smeets, Background Magazine 201?.