Wigwam Poll 2002: Results

One hundred and twenty-seven (127) voters took part in the Wigwam Poll 2002, via the electronic form that was online from 26th November through 31st December 2002. The voters were asked to give their ratings (scale 1-5) for Wigwam albums, choose their favourite Wigwam songs (3 points to the song in 1st place, 2 pts to 2nd place, 1 pt to 3rd place), and notify the starting point of their following of Wigwam. They were also asked to name the best Wigwam gig they had seen, propose a song Wigwam should cover (or have covered), and mention three other favourite artists or bands. Finally, they were given an opportunity to select the characteristics they would prefer in a book about Wigwam.

There were a few answers that turned out to be difficult to interpret or at least convert to the scoreboard (more than one gig date given, combined song titles etc.). Hence two numbers in some columns. At the bottom of the page you will find the names of the winners in the raffle that was conducted among the participants. Thanks to all the voters, as well as EMI Finland, Siboney, and Rocktops, who kindly donated the prizes.

Wigwam Albums

Studio and live albums:meanpts/voters
1. Nuclear Nightclub4.52574/127
2. Being4.36536/123
3. Fairyport4.12482/117
4. Plays Wigwam - Live3.79371/98
5. The Lucky Golden Stripes And Starpose3.78450/119
6. Hard N'Horny3.66425/116
7. Live Music From The Twilight Zone3.54379/107
8. Dark Album3.50420/120
9. Titans Wheel3.44358/104
10. Tombstone Valentine3.43401/117
11. Light Ages3.00306/102
1. Fresh Garbage - Rarities 1969-19774.36506/116
2. Rumours On The Rebound3.89206/53
3. Highlights3.69295/80
4. Wigwam3.47177/51
5. Classics - The Rarest3.13125/40

Best Wigwam Tracks

1. Losing Hold106
2. Grass For Blades60
3. Fairyport47
4. Do Or Die45
5. Luulosairas34
6. Bless Your Lucky Stars32
7. Nuclear Nightclub28
7. Pedagogue28
9. Freddie Are You Ready?27
10. Kite24
11. Marvelry Skimmer (Friend From The Fields)19
11. Tramdriver19
13. The Big Farewell14
14. Colossus12
14. Eddie And The Boys12
16. Absalom11
16. En aio paeta11
16. The Item Is The Totem11
16. Lost Without A Trace11
16. Lucky Golden Stripes And Starpose11
21. Häätö10
21. Planetist10

8 points: Save My Money & Name
7 points: Cheap Evening Return - Henry's suite - Pedagogi
6 points: Finlandia/Losing Hold - In Gratitude - Nipistys - Prophet
5 points: Henry's Highway Code - Maestro Mercy - The Moon Struck One - No New Games To Play
4 points: InspiRed Machine - Just My Situation - Never Turn You In - Petty-Bourgeois - Pride Of The Biosphere - Wishful Thinker
3 points: Crisader - Daemon Duncetan's Request - Do The Pigworm - Every Fold - Frederick & Bill - Helsinki Nights - Hot Mice - Pedagogue/Pedagogi - Proletarian - Prophet/Marvelry Skimmer - Simple Human Kindness - Win Your Love
2 points: Captain Supernatural - Drive On Driver - End - Good Mornington Street - Greasy Kids' Stuff - Horace's Aborted Rip-Off Scheme - June May Be Too Late - Pidän sinusta - Pedagogue/Crisader - Planetstar - Titans Wheel - Wardance
1 point: How To Make It Big In Hospital - International Disaster - May Your Will Be Done Dear Lord - Pig Storm - Rave-up For The Roadies - Sane Again - The Silver Jubilee - Tombstone Valentine

Starting Point of Following Wigwam

Hasn't started2

Best Wigwam Gigs (with selected comments)

1. Tavastia, Helsinki, 18.04.20019
"An outsold event with great music by inspired and talented musicians! Also the atmosphere among the audience was very good."
"Erinomainen meininki, vanhat hyvät biisit setissä ja ekan kerran ihmetys!"
"Vasta toinen Wigwam keikkani (olen 22-vuotias, joten en ole ollut maisemissa 70-luvulla). Sama keikka, josta osa on kuultavissa 'Plays Wigwam'-levyllä. Levy, vaikka vallan mainio onkin, ei tietenkään täydellisesti kuvasta keikkatunnelmaa, mikä kyseistä keikkaa kuunnellessa tuli. Heiluin tukka pitkällä lavan edessä ja nautin, en alkoholista vaan musiikin tuomasta suunnattomasta riemusta. En voinut muuta kuin ihmetellä, että tässä maassa (joka valitettavasti on autenttisen musiikin kannalta vähintäänkin ongelmallinen paikka) pystytään edelleenkin aina silloin tällöin järjestämään näinkin tasokkaita konsertteja. Wigwam soitti dynaamisen, melodisesti oivaltavan ja voimakkaan keikan, jota muistelen lämmöllä vielä pitkään."
2. Tavastia, Helsinki, 10.08.20007-8
"Classic songs, perfect interplay, Rekku in incredible form."
"Kertakaikkisen loistava keikka. Uskomaton tunnelma, No New Gamesin soolo upea. Grass for Blades lopetti keikan hienosti."
"Fiilis oli niin hieno, että kun 'Kite' tuli, tuli tippa linssiin."
"Seeing Wigwam live had been such great a dream for a long time that when it finally got real it had to be either a catastrophy or paradise. The blokes did their job with great skill and emotion so what can you do? I was blown away, what a treat it was. Many gigs that I've seen later on must have been better musically but the first one still stands out. I must add that I think that playing at Tavastia always gives the band an extra kick. Good for them."
3. Tavastia, Helsinki, 15.08.20024-5
"Rekku ja Kotilainen yltyivät mahtaviin sooloiluihin! Kotilainen sai koneistaan irti sellaisia avaruusääniä, että!!!! Olin myös odottanut keikkaa vuoden, jonka olin ollut ulkomailla."
"Oli omat synttärit, loistava meininki ja kävin backstagella (:"
"The band was really in the mood and so was the audience. And Esa Kotilainen played the best moog solo ever..."
4. Provinssirock, Seinäjoki, 09.06.19913
"It was the first Wig gig I witnessed. The Band was scheduled to play in Provinssi 91 as well, but they cancelled their Euro-tour, I guess the reason was album recording session or something. If that would have happened, I mean I could've seen two of my biggest favorite groups together for the first time... I guess that would've been simply too much..."
4. Tulliklubi, Tampere, 12.04.20013
4. Tavastia, Helsinki, 29.05.20023
7. Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, 23.03.19762
7. Tavastia, Helsinki, 10.09.19912
"Vuosien odotus palkittiin!"
7. Vanha yo-talo, Helsinki, 15.10.19932
"Yli kolme tuntia biisiä biisin perään, neljämiehinen kokoonpano, ohjelmistossa Dark Album -biisejä, siinäpä syitä kerrakseen kaikkien aikojen Wigu-keikalle!"
7. Ruisrock, Turku, 02.07.20002
"Soundit kohdallaan, hyvä fiilis, kaunis ilma (siis sen keikan aikana). Bändi selvästi nautti esiintymisestä. Seurustelu Wigwamia diggaavan mimmin kanssa oli juuri alkuvaiheissaan (nythän se on jo loppu). Kukaan viinanhajuinen keski-ikäinen ei tullut viereen ördäämään, vaan Michael Monroe sporttisesti bändiä diggailemaan."
"Why? Because after thinking Wigwam my favorite band for twenty-five years, I finally took myself to Finland to see them!"
7. Telakka, Tampere, 24.08.20002
7. 45 Special, Oulu, 10.04.20012
7. Säätämö, Turku, 11.04.20012
"The first time I saw Wigwam live. I was amazed how good the band actually was. Of course I had heard some old live recordings but I thought 'the new Wigwam' was something totally different because of many line-up changes. Wigwam plays Wigwam was a small disappointment and I think that record couldn't capture the good spirit of gigs."
7. Tabasco Hot Club, Jyväskylä, 21.04.20012
"Meinas tulla itku silmään kun Grass For Blades oli parhaassa vauhdissa. (Ja samaan aikaan soi disco-musa ravintolan toisessa salissa, jossa noin puolet pääsylipun maksaneista nuorista 'trenditietoisista' illanviettäjistä tanssahteli sen konemusiikin tahdissa! Sääliksi kävi niitä ihmisiä silloin.)"
7. Big Band Festival, Imatra, 29.06.20012
7. Vuotalo, Helsinki, 17.08.20022
17. Tullikamari, Tampere, 21.01.19921-2


Bringåsan lava, Koskenkylä, August 1970, "Tunnelma oli kuin Altamontissa, kyläherokset uhosivat kännissä ja Wigwam soittaa melkein hallaisessa elokuun yössä the Bandia, Procolia jne. Kaikki urkukvartetin aikaiset keikat omalla tavallaan unohtumattomia. - Nuclear-ajan Wigwamin keikoista Tavastian 74 syksyn keikka, jolloin en odottanut paljoa, mutta yllätyin sataprosenttisesti myönteisesti. - 2000-luvun keikoista Ruisrockin jälkeinen Tavastian paluukeikka Nuclear Nightclubin re-masteroinnin jälkeen oli yksinkertaisesti rautaa."; Tyäski (Työväentalo), Kotka, December 1970 (along with Tyäski, November 1971 & Anjala, 07.07.1973); Liminka, spring 1971; Vaasa, in the early 1970s, "Kaveri nauhoitti ne kasettimankalla ja niitä kuunneltiin sitte aikoinaan ahkerasti."; Kuusisaari & Pohjankartano, Oulu, in the early 1970s, "Kaikki olivat unohtomattomia. Kuusisaaren ja Pohjankartanon keikoilla pääsin jututtamaankin kavereita 70-luvun alussa. Mieleen jäi myös teatteritalon keikka jolloin tuli Wiguihin Rekku."; Vaasa, 20.09.1974, "'Uusi Wigwam' ekan kerran nähtynä: Österberg-Pembroke-Rechardt- Groundstroem. Oli yllätys ja mukavat muistot vieläkin mielessä."; Risulahti, Luumäki, midsummer 1974 or 1975; Suonenjoki, 1975 or 1976; City Hall, Newcastle, 22.03.1976, "My one and only chance to see the legend that is 'Wigwam'."; Hammersmith Odeon, London, 27.03.1976, "The only time I have managed to see them (a really great gig)."; Sylvään koulu, Vammala, 27.05.1977, "Ensimmäinen kuulemani Wigukeikka, vaikuttava, vakuuttava, hienotunnelmainen kaari keikalla, kaikki palaset loksahtivat paikalleen keikan loppuun tultaessa."; near by Kuopio, in the 1970s (along with Guitar Festival, Tammisaari, 12.07.1992)

"Ne ekat keikat silloin 90-luvun alussa"; Rauhala, Oulu, 24.01.1992, "Never thought I'd see the band live and when I did I wasn't a bit disappointed."; Tavastia, Helsinki, 14.05.1992; Käpylän kyläjuhlat, Helsinki, 23.05.1992, "Rintanen oli tullut Pedron tilalle ja koko homma tuntui lähtevän liitoon. Yleisökin oli tuon ajan helsinkiläisyleisöksi äänekäs ja innostunut."; (Jim & Rekku at Grand Emporium, Kansas City, 20.10.1992, "Never saw the band as such. I've always loved their stuff since I got into it. If I wasn't convinced before I saw them I'm now sure that Rekku is the finest guitarist on the planet and I feel like Jim is one of the great songwriters of our time. He understands the art of arranging, producing, and writing songs as well as anyone."); Kleopatra, Lappeenranta, 06.04.1993; Gastmaj, Jämsä, 20.05.1993, "Paras keikka minkä olen nähnyt yleensäkin."; Rock Circus, Kuopio, 25.05.1993, "This was nearly a phenomenal gig from the beginning to the end. They played nearly 2 hours. The whole band was in a good mood, and inspired. What else can I say?"; Lutakko, Jyväskylä, in the early 1990s; Kurkimäen korttelitalo, Helsinki, 07.04.2001; Hotelli Kaarle, Kokkola, 20.04.2001; Nevada, Porvoo, 05.07.2001; Säätämö, Turku, 06.07.2001, "Erittäin hyvin yhteen hitsautunutta ja inspiroitunutta soittoa, Wigwam Soundi huipussaan."; Tavastia, Helsinki, 07.07.2001; Puijonsarvi, Kuopio, 04.06.2002; Yo-talo, Tampere, 05.06.2002, "Lähes koko setti uuden levyn Titan's Wheelin matskua, kunnon jamitusta jopa uusissa biiseissä, hienoa nähdä nyky-Wigwam omillaan, siis hienoa uutta matskua, eikä vain vanhoja hittejä yleisön mieliksi."; Club Feenix, Turku, 06.06.2002; Tabasco Hot Club, Jyväskylä, 13.07.2002; Puolalanpuisto, Turku, 11.08.2002, Tulliklubi, Tampere, 14.08.2002, "Relaxed atmosphere and good balance of new and some older songs!"

By far, the most common arguments were, "it was the first time I saw Wigwam", or, "the only time I've seen them live". Also, a great number of people, often from outside Finland, confessed/regretted they hadn't been able to witness any Wigwam gig.

Wanted Cover Versions

1. Imagine / John Lennon9
2. All Along The Watchtower / Bob Dylan3
2. King Harvest (Has Surely Come) / The Band3
2. Let It Be / Beatles3
5. The Moon Struck One / The Band2-3
6. Chest Fever / The Band2
6. Finlandia / Jean Sibelius2
Also, one Finlandia/Let It Be combination was mentioned
6. Stage Fright / The Band2

1 point: 21st Century Schizoid Man / King Crimson; All The Young Dudes / Mott The Hoople/David Bowie; Andmoreagain / Love; Are You Turning? / Kaamos; As Strong As Samson / Procol Harum; As You Said / Cream; Astral Weeks / Van Morrison; Because / Beatles; Black Wings / Tom Waits; Breathtaker / IQ; Call It Love / Poco; Dancin' Fool / Guess Who; A Day In The Life / Beatles; Dead By Xmas ("in Jim the Crooner way") / Hanoi Rocks; Easy Living / Uriah Heep; Feel Flows / Beach Boys; Fresh Garbage / Spirit; Friduna Skikuna / Hullujussi; Glass Onion / Beatles; Grass For Blades / Jim Pembroke; Have A Cigar / Pink Floyd; Hit Me Baby One More Time / Britney Spears; I Shall Be Released ("with Gustavson on vocals") / Bob Dylan/The Band; I Want You (She's So Heavy) / Beatles; Irene Kaktus / Absoluuttinen Nollapiste; Jatsin syvin olemus / Kari Peitsamo; Jealous Guy / John Lennon; Just My Situation / Jim Pembroke; Learning To Fly / Pink Floyd; Like A Rolling Stone / Bob Dylan; Little Wing / Jimi Hendrix; Lonely Little Girl / Frank Zappa; Lunar Sea / Camel; Man-Erg / Van der Graaf Generator; Manic Depression / Jimi Hendrix; Mighty Quinn / Bob Dylan; The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down / The Band; No New Games To Play / Jim Pembroke; One More Cup Of Coffee / Bob Dylan; Paranoid Android / Radiohead; Perfect Day / Lou Reed; Rain Song / Led Zeppelin; River Man / Nick Drake; Roundabout / Yes; Satellite Of Love / Lou Reed; She Drops You Yesterday / Riki Sorsa; Stupid Girl / Neil Young; Take This Longing / Leonard Cohen; Tarkus / ELP; A Whiter Shade Of Pale / Procol Harum; Wooden Ships / CSN & Y; Yhtenä iltana; / Hector; You Suffer / Napalm Death; any song by Spirit; anything from Frank Zappa; Beatles...

There were several comments saying Wigwam don't have to play covers.

Other Favourites

1. King Crimson16
2. Pink Floyd14
2. Tasavallan Presidentti14
4. Beatles12
5. Absoluuttinen Nollapiste11
5. Yes11
7. Frank Zappa10
8. The Band9
9. Led Zeppelin8
9. Neil Young (& Crazy Horse)8
11. Genesis7
12. Van Der Graaf Generator6
13. Caravan5
13. Jethro Tull5
13. Pekka Pohjola5
16. Camel4
16. Gentle Giant4
16. Jimi Hendrix4
16. Kingston Wall4
16. Man4
16. Steely Dan4

3 points:
David Bowie - Deep Purple - Bob Dylan - Free - Gong - Kuusumun Profeetta - Van Morrison - Pekka Streng
2 points:
22-Pistepirkko - Bad Company - Black Sabbath - Blues Section - Circle - Nick Drake - Fleetwood Mac - Guess Who - Peter Hammill - Maarit (& Sami) Hurmerinta - Hurriganes - Dave Lindholm - Manic Street Preachers - Procol Harum - Rolling Stones - Spock's Beard - U2 - Velvet Underground - The Who - Robert Wyatt
1 point:
AC/DC - Ryan Adams - After Crying - Akvarium - Ismo Alanko - Allman Brothers Band - Tori Amos - Ash Ra Tempel - Atomic Swing - Auteurs - Kevin Ayers - Bathory - Beach Boys - BeeGees - Björk - Blake Babies - Blur - Bonzo Dog Band - Arthur Brown - Can - Nick Cave & Bad Seeds - Eric Clapton - Cold Chisel - CMX - John Coltrane - Comus - Cream - Miles Davis - Ani DiFranco - Dire Straits - Dixie Dregs - Eagles - Electric Light Orchestra - Brian Eno - Merrell Fankhauser - Finnforest - Flower Kings - Focus - Four Seasons - Golden Earring - Grateful Dead - Guns'n'Roses - Haikara - Hawkwind - Hypnomen - Hypocrisy - Jefferson Airplane - John Mayall's Blues Breakers - Kansas - Kent - Kerrs Pink - Ustad Ali Akbar Khan - Kinks - Kiss - Kitaro - Kolmas nainen - Kraan - Kula Shaker - Lemonheads - John Lennon - Loosegoats - Love - Magma - Manifest - Marillion - Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush - MC5 - Meters - Pat Metheny Group - Moody Blues - Morphine - Alanis Morrisette - Move - Mr. Bungle - Nemesis - M.A. Numminen - Ozric Tentacles - Pedro's Heavy Gentlemen - Peer Günt - Jukka Perko - Phish - Piirpauke - Poco - Porcupine Tree - Posies - Premiata Forneria Marconi - Radiohead - Ramones - Paul Rodgers (various projects) - Rush - Kauko Röyhkä - Wimme Saari - Kaija Saariaho - Sade - SBB - Sensational Alex Harvey Band - Sex Pistols - Ron Sexsmith - Simon & Garfunkel - Sister Flo - Soft Machine - Spirit - Cat Stevens - Stooges - Suede - Sun Ra - Super Furry Animals - Tangerine Dream - Tehosekoitin - Jukka Tolonen - Traffic - U-Street All Stars - Uriah Heep - Olavi Virta - Tom Waits - Weather Report - Robbie Williams - Wishbone Ash - Stevie Wonder - XL - YUP

Preferred Qualities of a Wigwam Book

1. detailed, trivia-laden (yksityiskohtainen, triviapitoinen)72
2. analytic, reflective (analyyttinen, pohdiskeleva)33
3. narrative, light (tarinoiva, kepeä)18

Winners of the Raffle

Titans Wheel CD: Tanja Pehkonen (Pankakoski), Mara Salminen (Torpinkylä)
Plays Wigwam - Live CD: Aarno Lilja (Helsinki), Jari Missonen (Tampere)
Being t-shirt: Tero Lahti (Espoo), Tuomas Rantala (Tampere), Boaz Tsabar (Jerusalem, Israel)
Wigwam 35 Years Birthday Party Tour poster: Mikael Airava (Helsinki), Mikko Antila (Kauhajoki), Martha Chafen (Kansas City, USA), Jack Drake (Durham, USA), Jari-Pekka Heimolinna (Tampere), Esa Heiskanen (Pieksämäki), Kai Hirvasnoro (Helsinki), Ilkka Hytti (Jyväskylä), Mika Jokela (Helsinki), Mika Juvonen (Espoo), Matti Järvi (Jämsä), Heikki Kerkkänen (Jyväskylä), Andrew Marshall (Huddersfield, UK), Petteri Mäkiniemi (Oulu), Janne Nevalainen (Espoo), Arto Nevanperä (Oulu), Tuomas Peltonen (Turku), Hannu Pirttimaa (Pietarsaari), Visa Röyskö (Helsinki), Juha Salenius (Sunila), Jarmo Savinainen (Espoo), Jakke Siromaa (Joensuu), Christer Sundell (Duluth, USA), Juho Talonen (Helsinki), Jyri Tamminen (Kerava), Niko Tanska (Jyväskylä), Sofia Toivonen (Helsinki), Pasi Tuominen (Helsinki), Ilkka Vuoristo (Pori), Phil Winans (Independence, USA)