Wigwam Filmography
[Wigwam] [Mats Huldén] [Jim Pembroke] [Pekka Pohjola] [Pekka Rechardt] [Måns Groundstroem]
[Esa Kotilainen] [Pedro Hietanen] [Jan Noponen]
[Mikko Rintanen] [Jari Kettunen] [Jussi Kinnunen]
- Kesäkapina (Summer Rebellion) (1970), directed by
Jaakko Pakkasvirta.
The following songs, all written by Jim Pembroke, can be heard on the film soundtrack: Brother In The Street | Spring
Cigarette | Kova kundi | Jarmo Dreaming | Jarmo Walking | Hande's song.
Vocals by Pembroke except on Hande's song which is performed by Hannu Oravisto. The band in the Hande's song scene is not
- Niilon oppivuodet (Niilo's
Apprenticeship) (1971), directed by Jaakko Pakkasvirta et al.
Wigwam play Losing Hold at a student party scene (ca. 5 minutes), in addition to which fragments of Every Fold and P.K.'s
Super Market are heard on the soundtrack.
- Pelin henki (The Name Of The Game) (1977).
(This is probably the "Documentary about the 1000 Lakes Rally 1976" that's been shown on Finnish TV at least in 1986.
Wigwam's 'Do Or Die' and 'Bless Your Lucky Stars', as well as 'High' and 'Night Funk' from the Royals, are heard on the
- Laihan miehen balladi (A Skinny Man's Ballad) (1993), directed by Simo Halinen.
A short film. Do Or Die on the soundtrack.
- Ihanat naiset rannalla (Amazing Women by the
Sea) (1998), directed by Claes Olsson.
Henry's Geographical And Astronomical Mistakes can be heard in the party scene at the end of the film.
- Leijat Helsingin yllä (2001), directed by Peter Lindholm.
Do Or Die on the soundtrack.
- Pieniä eroja (2002), directed by Mari Rantasila.
Just My Situation (Fresh Garbage version) on the soundtrack.
- Ilona (The Girl Who Had No Problems) (2003), directed by Alli Haapasalo.
Wishful Thinker on the soundtrack.
- Lapsia ja aikuisia (2004), directed by Aleksi Salmenperä.
Just My Situation (Fresh Garbage version) on the soundtrack.
- Vares - Pahan suudelma (2011), directed by Anders Engström.
Soundtrack includes 'Nuclear Nightclub', 'Freddie Are You Ready', and Jim Pembroke's 'Do The Pigworm'.
- Juice (2018), directed by Teppo Airaksinen.
Soundtrack includes fragments of 'Luulosairas'.
Mats Huldén
- Kissan kuolema (The Killing Of A Cat) (1994), directed by Raimo O. Niemi
Music mixed by Huldén.
- M.A. Numminen Turns Rabbit - The Universal Declaration Of The Rights Of The Rabbits (2000), directed by Claes
A short film with song lyrics by Huldén.
Jim Pembroke
- Sharp - Riki Sorsa (1981), produced by Crea Video Oy.
A commercial featuring the following Pembroke-penned songs, arranged by Otto Donner and performed by Riki Sorsa: Can't Stand
Dancing | Autograph | Reggae OK.
- Another Telephone Call / Resigned to Surrender (1986), produced and directed by Don DeHass.
Music video. Camera, lighting, inserts, and editing by Gregory Gutenko. Shot in a studio on the top floor of the Kansas City Board of Education.
- Jim Pembroke: Little Gnome (1988), directed by Jouko Lehmuskallio.
A short film / music video.
- Tehdään, tehdään! (Do It, Do It!) (1988), directed by Antti Peränne.
A short animated film, produced by Taloudellinen Tiedotustoimisto. Lyrics and vocals on the soundtrack of the
English-language version by Pembroke.
- Vielä tänään - taiteilijat luonnon puolesta (1990), directed by Jouko Lehmuskallio
An obscure video release, Pembroke provides its finest moment singing Sunbeam And The Gnome, a translation of a popular
Finnish tune Päivänsäde ja menninkäinen. (This sequence may be the same as 'Little Gnome', see above.)
Pekka Pohjola
- Sampolakki (1978), directed by Jouko Mörsky.
A short documentary with music by Pohjola.
- Haaste (The Challenge (1980), produced by Filmiryhmä Oy.
A short documentary with music by Pohjola.
- Maitotila (1980), directed by Virke Lehtinen.
A short documentary with music by Pohjola.
- Harmagedon (1986), directed by Juha Rosma.
As a musician.
- Ameriikan raitti (Paradise America) (1990), directed by Lauri Törhönen.
As a musician.
- Fanatic Answers (1996), directed by Markku Heikkinen.
A short film. Music composed and engineered by Pohjola.
- Mike Oldfield: Exposed (2005)
Double DVD from Oldfield's 1979 tour, featuring Pohjola on bass.
Pekka Rechardt
- Prologi (Prologue) (1979), directed by Janne Kuusi.
A short film with music by Rechardt.
- Apinan vuosi (In The Year Of The Ape) (1983), directed by Janne Kuusi.
Music by Rechardt.
- Laulu (A Song) (1986), directed by Arto af Hällström & Janne Kuusi.
A documentary. Rechardt as a performer.
- Tuliainen (The Gift) (1993), directed by Janne Kuusi.
A short film with music by Rechardt.
Måns Groundstroem
- Ihmemies (Wonderman) (1979), directed by Antti Peippo.
Music engineered by Groundstroem.
- Natalia (1979), directed by Matti Kassila.
Music engineered by Groundstroem.
- Perhosen uni (A Butterfly's Dream) (1985), directed by Maunu Kurkvaara.
Music engineered by Groundstroem.
- Kiljusen herrasväen uudet seikkailut (The New Adventures Of That Kiljunen Family) (1990), directed by Matti
Music engineered by Groundstroem.
- Kuutamosonaatti 2: Kadunlakaisijat (Moonlight Sonata 2: Street Sweepers) (1991), directed by Olli Soinio.
Music engineered & mixed by Groundstroem.
Esa Kotilainen
- Tiedon lähteillä (1975), directed by Hannu Peltomaa & Markus Viljanen.
A short film with music by Kotilainen.
- Haukiukko (1982), directed by Erkki Seiro.
A short nature documentary with music by Kotilainen.
- Muistoja Sinebrychoffin puistosta (Memories From Sinebrychoff Park) (1982), directed by Lasse Naukkarinen.
A short documentary with music engineered and mixed by Kotilainen.
- Voitto (The Profit) (1983), produced by Scenaria Oy.
A short film with music and sound effects by Kotilainen.
- Palava enkeli (Burning Angel) (1984), directed by Lauri Törhönen.
Music engineered by Kotilainen.
- Taikapeli (The Magic Game) (1984), directed by Hannu Peltomaa.
Music engineered and conducted by Kotilainen.
- Tehtävä Suomessa (A Mission In Finland) (1984), directed by Hannu Peltomaa.
A short film with music by Kotilainen.
- Korsnäsin paita (Korsnäströjan) (1986), directed by Nea Pitkänen.
A short film with music by Kotilainen.
- Riisuminen (The Undressing) (1986), directed by Lauri Törhönen.
Music engineered and mixed by Kotilainen.
- Jäähyväiset presidentille (Farewell, Mr. President) (1987), directed by Matti Kassila.
As a musician.
- Let's Dance! (1991), directed by Paul-Anders Simma.
A short film with music by Kotilainen.
- Duoddara árbi (Legacy Of The Tundra / Tunturin testamentti) (1994), directed by Paul-Anders Simma.
A documentary. Music, mixing and engineering by Kotilainen who also appears as a musician.
- Guovza (The Bear / Karhu) (1994), directed by Paul-Anders Simma.
A short film with music by Kotilainen.
- Täyden palvelun talo (House Of Full Service) (1994), directed by Lasse Naukkarinen.
A short documentary. Kotilainen as a musician.
- Väsi eatnamat (Earth Of Rage / Vihan maat) (1994), directed by Paul-Anders Simma.
A short documentary with music by Kotilainen.
- Astan pojat (Asta's Sons) (1995), directed by Lasse Naukkarinen.
A short documentary. Kotilainen as a musician.
- Beadnaga eallin (Dog's Life / Koiranelämää) (1996), directed by Paul-Anders Simma & Erling Söderström.
A short documentary with music by Kotilainen.
- Sagojoga minister (The Minister Of State / Sagojogan ministeri) (1997), directed by Paul-Anders Simma.
Music composed, arranged, engineered, mixed and partly played by Kotilainen.
- Oaivveskaldjut (Give Us Our Skeletons! / Antakaa meille luurankomme!) (1999), directed by Paul-Anders
A short film. Kotilainen as a composer and musician.
Pedro Hietanen
- Rikos ja rangaistus (Crime And Punishment) (1983), directed by Aki Kaurismäki.
Music by Hietanen.
- Dirty Story - Likainen tarina (Dirty Story) (1984), directed by Jörn Donner.
Music by Hietanen.
- -30° C aurinkoa etsimässä (-30 Grades) (1985), directed by Per-Olof Strandberg.
Hietanen appears as the "accordionist".
- Bröderna Mozart (The Mozart Brothers) (Sweden, 1986), directed by Suzanne Osten.
Hietanen plays the part of a "cleaner".
- V. Y. Vihdoinkin yhdessä (Together At Last) (1986), directed by Kari Kyrönseppä.
Music by Hietanen who also appears as an actor and musician.
- Elämää Ruuhka-Suomessa (Life In The Congested Finland) (1988), produced by Jörn Donner Productions.
A short nature film with music by Hietanen.
- Meiltähän tämä käy (We Are The Ones) (1988), directed by Lauri Törhönen.
A short documentary with music by Hietanen.
- Muodonmuutos (Metamorphosis) (1988), directed by Lauri Törhönen.
A short documentary with music by Hietanen.
- Onnen pesä (The Nest Of Happiness) (1988), produced by Jörn Donner Productions.
A short nature film with music by Hietanen.
- Reagan Suomessa (Ronnie Reagan Was Here) (1988), directed by Jörn Donner.
A short documentary with music by Hietanen.
- Ameriikan raitti (Paradise America) (1990), directed by Lauri Törhönen.
Music by Hietanen who also appears as a musician.
- Libanonin kirje (A Lebanese Letter) (1991), directed by Lauri Törhönen.
A short film with music by Hietanen.
- Liikkuvat taakse (1991), directed by Lauri Törhönen.
A short film with music by Hietanen.
- M.A. Numminen Sings Wittgenstein (Wovon man nicht sprechen kann) (1993), directed by Claes Olsson.
A short film featuring Hietanen as a pianist.
- M.A. Numminen Goes Tech-no (1995), directed by Claes Olsson.
A short film with Hietanen as a performer/musician.
- Valio Emmental M.A. Numminen (1995), directed by Pietu Takala.
A commercial film featuring Hietanen as an actor.
- The Disappearance of Finbar (England, 1996), directed by Sue Clayton.
Featuring Hietanen & Pedro's Heavy Gentlemen.
- Fahrradfahren ist notwendig (Riding Bicycle Is Necessary / Polkupyörällä ajaminen on tarpeellista) (1999), directed by
Sökö Kaukoranta.
A short film with music and music production by Hietanen.
- Satumaa - Unto Monosen elämä ja tangot (The Fairyland) (1999), directed by Claes Olsson.
As a performer.
- M.A. Numminen Turns Rabbit - The Universal Declaration Of The Rights Of The Rabbits (2000), directed by Claes
A short film with music by Hietanen who also plays the part of a "mom bunny".
Jan Noponen
- Apinan vuosi (In the Year Of The Ape) (1983), directed by Janne Kuusi.
As a musician.
- Laulu (A Song) (1986), directed by Arto af Hällström & Janne Kuusi.
A documentary. Noponen appears as a performer.
- Yösydän (In The Dead Of Night) (1992), directed by Heikki Kujanpää.
A short film with music by Noponen.
Mikko Rintanen
- Rajamaa (Borderland) (1989), directed by Kanerva Cederström & Riikka Tanner.
A documentary. Rintanen one of the musicians.
Jari Kettunen
- Kiljusen herrasväen uudet seikkailut (The New Adventures Of That Kiljunen Family) (1990), directed by Matti
As a musician.
- Kymmenen riivinrautaa (2002), directed by Ere Kokkonen.
As a musician.
Jussi Kinnunen
- Saimaa-ilmiö (The Saimaa Gesture) (1981), directed by Aki and Mika Kaurismäki.
A documentary. Kinnunen one of the performers.
- Vaiennut kylä (The Quiet Village) (1997), directed by Kari Väänänen.
As a musician.
- Satumaa (The Fairyland) (1999), directed by Claes Olsson.
As a musician.
- Hassisen kone - 20 vuotta myöhemmin (2001), directed by Harri Anttila.
A DVD release. Kinnunen one of the performers/musicians.
- Lasileuka (Glass Jaw) (2004), directed by Zaida Bergroth.
A short film. Kinnunen as a musician.