Wigwam Gigs 1991-1993
Wigwam Gigs 1968-1978
Wigwam Gigs 1999-2006
Wigwam Gigs 2018
[1991] [1992] [1993]
The following gig list is incomplete and may contain errors. If you have further info about dates, venues, set lists etc., please contact me: gmerilainen [at] live.com.
An audio tape is known to exist of the performances marked with an asterisk (*).
- 09.06. Seinäjoki (Provinssirock Festival) *
Just My Situation - Wardance - Talking Brought Me Here - Save My Money & Name - Nuclear Nightclub - No
New Games To Play - Eddie And The Boys - Kite - Do Or Die - Freddie Are You Ready
- 09.06. Seinäjoki (Sorsanpesä, Provinssirockin päätösklubi, secret gig)
- 10.09. Helsinki (Tavastia)
- 13.09. Helsinki (Tavastia)
- 21.01. Tampere (Tullikamari)
Just My Situation - No New Games To Play - Freddie Are You Ready etc
- 22.01. Jyväskylä (Ilokivi)
- 23.01. Kajaani
- 24.01. Oulu (Yo-talo Rauhala) *
Just My Situation - Wardance - Talking Brought Me Here - Save My Money & Name - Nuclear Nightclub - Colossus
- Eddie And The Boys - No New Games - Lost Without A Trace - Do Or Die - Freddie Are You Ready - Kite - The Vegetable Rumble
- Bless Your Lucky Stars - encores: Grass For Blades - Hard Top Lincoln
- 07.02. Järvenpää (Gilda)
- 05.03. Turku (Typhoon)
The last gig with Pedro Hietanen?
- 12.05. Porvoo (Grand Esplanad)
The first gig with Mikko Rintanen?
- 13.05. Kouvola (Rubiini)
- 14.05. Helsinki (Tavastia)
- 15.05. Jyväskylä (Lutakko)
- 16.05. Tampere (Yo-talo) *
Crystal Ball ("Hole In The Wall") | Skyscraper | Planetstar | Freddie Are You Ready | Nuclear Nightclub |
Do Or Die | Friend From The Fields | The Next Breakfast | Pleasure Street | No New Games To Play | Lost Without A Trace |
Borders To Be Crossed | Colossus | encores: Bless Your Lucky Stars | Talking Brought Me Here
- 23.05. Helsinki (Käpylän kyläjuhlat) *
Crystal Ball - Skyscraper - Freddie Are You Ready - Do Or Die - Nuclear Nightclub - Hard Top Lincoln - No
New Games - Talking Brought Me Here - Borders To Be Crossed - Bless Your Lucky Stars
- 25.05. Kuopio (Henry's Pub)
Just My Situation - Freddie Are You Ready - Nuclear Nightclub - Friend From The Fields - Eddie And The Boys
- No New Games To Play - Talking Brought Me Here - Do Or Die etc. - encore: Hard Top Lincoln
- 26.05. Kuopio (Henry's Pub)
No New Games To Play - Bless Your Lucky Stars - Lost Without A Trace etc. - encores: Grass For Blades -
Nuclear Nightclub
- 27.05. Lahti (Club 16)
- 28.05. Rauma (Ritariclub)
- 29.05. Vantaa (Martinus-sali) *
Just My Situation - The Next Breakfast - Crystal Ball - Skyscraper - Freddie Are You Ready - Nuclear
Nightclub - Do Or Die - Eddie And The Boys - Borders To Be Crossed - No New Games - Talking Brought Me Here - Bless Your
Lucky Stars - encores: Save My Money & Name - Hard Top Lincoln
- 31.05. Turku (Puolalanpuisto) *
Just My Situation - Crystal Ball - Skyscraper - Freddie Are You Ready - Nuclear Nightclub - Do Or Die -
Eddie And The Boys - Borders To Be Crossed - No New Games - Talking Brought Me Here - Bless Your Lucky Stars - encores:
Save My Money & Name - Hard Top Lincoln
- 14.06. Helsinki (Senaatintori) *
Talking Brought Me Here - Do Or Die - Friend From The Fields - Crystal Ball - Eddie And The Boys - No New
Games - Freddie Are You Ready - Skyscraper - Bless Your Lucky Stars - encores: Save My Money & Name - Nuclear Nightclub
- 05.07. Tammisaari (Guitar Festival) *
Nuclear Nightclub - Do Or Die - Friend From The Fields - Freddie Are You Ready - Crystal Ball - Eddie And The
Boys - No New Games - Borders To Be Crossed - Talking Brought Me Here - Skyscraper - Bless Your Lucky Stars
- 12.07. Helsinki (Kaivopuisto) *
Tombstone Valentine - False Alarm - Skyscraper - Crystal Ball - Eddie And The Boys - No New Games - Hard Top
Lincoln - Talking Brought Me Here - Do Or Die - Friend From The Fields - The Next Breakfast - Bless Your Lucky Stars -
Nuclear Nightclub - Freddie Are You Ready
- 31.03. Kouvola (Rubin)
- 02.04. Järvenpää (Gilda)
- 03.04. Hämeenlinna (Kino Café) *
Just My Situation - Crystal Ball - Talking Brought Me Here - Save My Money & Name - Friend From The Fields
- Eddie And The Boys - Nuclear Nightclub - No New Games - Borders To Be Crossed - Do Or Die - The Next Breakfast - Bless
Your Lucky Stars
- 06.04. Lappeenranta (Kleopatra) *
Just My Situation - Crystal Ball - Talking Brought Me Here - Savy My Money & Name - Friend From The Fields
- Eddie And The Boys - Nuclear Nightclub - No New Games - Borders To Be Crossed etc.
- 07.04. Mikkeli (Päämaja)
- 08.04. Jyväskylä (Lutakko)
- 09.04. Tampere (Tullikamari)
- 10.04. Forssa (Bar 54)
- 14.04. Helsinki (Tavastia) *
Just My Situation - Borders To Be Crossed - Crystal Ball - Talking Brought Me Here - Save My Money & Name -
Eddie And The Boys - Friend From The Fields - No New Games - Nuclear Nightclub - Do Or Die - The Next Breakfast - Bless Your
Lucky Stars - encores: Freddie Are You Ready - Hard Top Lincoln - Skyscraper - Grass For Blades
- 16.04. Turku (Bar 1957)
- 20.04. Pieksämäki (Poleeni)
Just My Situation - Borders To Be Crossed - Crystall Ball - No New Games - Do Or Die - Colossus - Eddie And
The Boys - Nuclear Nightclub - Bless Your Lucky Stars - encores: Freddie Are You Ready - Hard Top Lincoln
- 21.04. Oulu (Rockoff) *
Just My Situation - Borders To Be Crossed - Crystal Ball - Talking Brought Me Here - Save My Money & Name -
Eddie And The Boys - Colossus - No New Games - Friend From The Fields - Do Or Die - The Next Breakfast - Nuclear Nightclub -
Bless Your Lucky Stars - encores: Skyscraper - Freddie Are You Ready - Hard Top Lincoln
- 22.04. Vaasa (Ky)
- 23.04. Ylivieska (Vieska)
- 24.04. Pihtipudas (Niemenharju)
- 27.04. Helsinki (Fennia)?
- 29.04. Pori (Moritz)
- 30.04. Heinola mlk (Funky Maruschka)
- 06.05. Kotka (L.A. Club)
- 07.05. Karjaa (After Eight)
- 08.05. Riihimäki (Teatterihotelli)
- 15.05. Kerava (Planet Rock)
- 18.05. Helsinki (Tavastia, MS-Audiotronin 20-vuotisjuhlat)
- 19.05. Salo (Paradise Garden)
- 20.05. Jämsä (Gastmaj)
- 21.05. Seinäjoki (Sorsanpesä) *
first song(s) unknown - Skyscraper - Talking Brought Me Here - Eddie And The Boys - Friend From The Fields
- Do Or Die - Hard Top Lincoln - The Next Breakfast - Bless Your Lucky Stars - encore 1: Nuclear Nightclub - Freddie Are
You Ready? > Grass For Blades - encore 2: No New Games
- 22.05. Parkano (Seurahuone)
- 25.05. Kuopio (Rocksirkus)
- 26.05. Lahti (Club 16)
- 27.05. Tampere (I-Klubi) *
Save My Money And Name | Borders To Be Crossed | Skyscraper | Talking Brought Me Here | Eddie And The
Boys | Friend From The Fields | Hard Top Lincoln | Do Or Die | The Next Breakfast | Bless Your Lucky Stars | encore:
Nuclear Nightclub | Freddie Are You Ready | 2nd encore: No New Games To Play
- 28.05. Teuva (Hotelli Hermanni)
- 01.06. Helsinki (Café Nouveau)
- 02.06. Rauma (Cats)
- 10.07. Somero (Hicks City Bar)
- 17.07. Iisalmi (Oluthalli)
- 18.07. Joensuu (Ilosaarirock Festival)
- 19.07. Aitoo (Kirkastusjuhlat, Honkala)
- 01.08. Heinola (Heinolassa Jyrää, Rantapuisto)
- 03.08. Helsinki (Fennia)
- 07.08. Kuopio (Kurjuuden Kuppila Tent)
The last gig with Noponen?
- 27.08. Helsinki (Kurjuuden Kuppila Tent, Kaisaniemi) *
Save My Money & Name - Borders To Be Crossed - Eddie And The Boys - Talking Brought Me Here - Hard Top
Lincoln > drum solo - Freddie Are You Ready - Skyscraper - Friend From The Fields - Absalom - Do Or Die - The Next
Breakfast - Bless Your Lucky Stars - encore: Grass For Blades
Ippe Kätkä on drums?!
- 10.09. Jyväskylä (Lutakko)
The first gig with Jari Kettunen
- 11.09. Loviisa (Hotelli Skandinavia)
- 15.09. Kotka (Kyminsuun kulttuuritalo)
The last gig with Rintanen
Iltalehti, 1?.10.93 |
- 15.10. Helsinki (Vanha)
Do The Pigworm - Tombstone Valentine - Lucky Golden Stripes And Starpose - Colossus - The Item Is The Totem
- Horace's Aborted Rip-Off Scheme - Helsinki Nights etc
3-hour-long retrospective concert!
- 03.11. Tampere (Yo-talo)
- 25.11. Kerava (Sherwood)
20 spectators at most!
- 02.12. Raahe
- 03.12. Oulu (Yo-talo Rauhala) *
Do The Pigworm | Borders To Be Crossed | Tramdriver | Save My Money & Name | Talking Brought Me Here |
The Item Is The Totem | Eddie And The Boys | Hard Top Lincoln | drum solo | No New Games | Lucky Golden Stripes And
Starpose | Friend From The Fields | Do Or Die | Simple Human Kindness | ..."not right now" | Bertha Come Back | Freddie Are
You Ready | Bless Your Lucky Stars
- 04.12. Oulu (Yo-talo Rauhala)
- 05.12. Kokkola