Wigwam on Radio
[Wigwam] [Mats Huldén] [Ronnie Österberg] [Jim Pembroke] [Jukka Gustavson] [Pekka Pohjola] [Pekka Rechardt]
[Måns Groundstroem] [Esa Kotilainen] [Pedro Hietanen]
- YLE. Pop-muusikot ry:n konsertti. Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki 27.02.1970.
Chest Fever | Fresh Garbage
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 14.10.1970. Stereotunti.
In And Out | The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down | Up On Cripple Creek / Blue Rondo a la Turk / If I Were A Carpenter / En aio paeta | The Weight | King Harvest (Has Surely Come)
Recorded at Ruisrock Festival, Ruissalo, Turku 22.08.1970.
- YLE. Poppantai. 1970.
Jukka Gustavson and Jim Pembroke interviewed by Jouko Rikalainen on song lyrics.
- YLE?. Helsingin Juhlaviikkojen kitarakonsertti. 1970.
Pekka Pohjola, Jukka Gustavson, and Ronnie Österberg (Jim Pembroke absent), with guitarists Jukka Tolonen, Hasse Walli,
and Albert Järvinen. This may be the same as:
YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 08.11.1970. Kitaramusiikin päivät. (The happening took place at the Ateneum, Helsinki, and didn't feature Järvinen but some classical musicians.)
- Sveriges Radio, P3. Midnight hour 09.01.1971.
Aftonbladet 09.01.71 |
- YLE. Poppop. Natsa, Helsinki 13.02.1971 (recorded 10.02.1971).
King Harvest | Losing Hold | Nothing Shows | Captain Supernatural | Fairyport
The whole programme was re-broadcast on YLE Radio Suomi 13.02.2011. Wigwam drummer and bassist audibly join in to accompany on some of the international hit tracks that were played from a record as an interval item in the live show.
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma. Kappelikonsertti. Esplanadikappeli, Helsinki 20.07.1972.
Finlandia/Losing Hold - Fairyport - Grass For Blades
Presenter: Calle Lindholm
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma. Popstudio. Liisankadun studio, Helsinki
Imagine (not aired) - Nipistys - Friend From The Fields - announcements on Wigwam's history and forthcoming radio
programmes - Fairyport - Grass For Blades
- Sveriges Radio, P3. Tonkraft 11.12.1974 (recorded in SR's Studio 4, Radiohuset, 25.11.1974).
The Moon Struck One | Vattensång [= Bless Your Lucky Stars] | Just My Situation | Save My Body And Name | Simple Human
Kindness | Pig Storm | Freddie Are You Ready | No New Games To Play
54-minute live in studio, presented by Christer Eklund.
- YLE, Radio 2. Popkonsertti. Töölönrannan
lava, Helsinki 18.06.1975.
A Better Hold (And A Little View) - announcements and the introduction
of the band - Do Or Die - Never Turn You In - Måns
Groundstroem's interview - Freddie Are You Ready -
Simple Human Kindness - Bless Your Lucky Stars - No New
- Sveriges Radio, P3. Utomhusradio från Olofström 20.08.1975.
There was a contract about Wigwam's performance on the show, but it is unknown what was broadcast.
- Danmarks Radio, P3. Levende musik 19.12.1975
(recorded in DR's Studio 2 in August 1975).
Just My Situation - Nuclear Nightclub - Grass For Blades
- Freddie Are You Ready - Bless Your Lucky Stars - Never
Turn You In
- Danmarks Radio, P3. Levende musik 26.12.1975
(recorded in DR's Studio 2 in August 1975).
A Better Hold - Do Or Die - No New Games
- Danmarks Radio, P3. Musik i byen. Polyjoint, Lundtofte
Just My Situation - Simple Human Kindness - Do Or Die - Never Turn You In -
Eddie And The Boys - Jam Session (Uninspired Noodling in G) - A Better Hold -
Colossus - Grass For Blades - Lucky Golden Stripes And Starnoise - No New Games -
Bless Your Lucky Stars
- YLE, Swedish programme 17.08.1977. Vart är den finländska popen på väg?
Programme about the future of Finnish pop music by Georg "Jojje" Wallgren and Pauli Leiponen. Members from Wigwam and Made in Sweden interviewed.
- YLE, Ylen aikainen 24.08.1989. Kuun pimeä puoli. Wigwam - luovuuden riemuvoitto.
One-hour-long show by Pertti Hakala.
- YLE, Radiomafia 21.01.1991. Wigwam.
One-hour-programme by Phillip Page.
- YLE, Radio Pohjanmaa 1991. Rocktulva.
Pertti Hakala's 36 min Wigwam Special.
- YLE, Radiomafia. Provinssirock Festival, Seinäjoki 09.06.1991.
Wardance - Talking Brought Me Here - Save My Money &
Name - Nuclear Nightclub - No New Games To Play - Eddie And The Boys - Kite -
Do Or Die - Freddie Are You Ready - Rekku Rechardt's interview
- Radio City 08.09.1991. Piuhat irti.
Acoustic session with Wigwam's Rekku Rechardt and Jim Pembroke. Repeated 01.10.1991.
- YLE, Ylen ykkönen 06.12.1992. Radioteatteri esittää: Syvän etelän yöt. Blues.
Words and poems by Arto Melleri. Directed by Pekka Ruohoranta. Dramaturgy by Pekka Kyrö. Music by Pekka Rechardt. Wigwam
appear as a backup band for vocalist Miitta Sorvali on three untitled songs with the following opening lines
"Katu ulvoo ja tuuli", "Alla mustan ikkunasi", "Niinä päivinä ihmiset etsivät kuolemaa".
- YLE, Oulu Radio 05.03.1994. Elävänä.
Borders To Be Crossed | Tramdriver | Friend From The Fields | Freddie Are You Ready | Do Or Die (30 minutes)
A part of a Wigwam live concert recorded at Oulun ylioppilastalo Rauhala, 3rd December 1993. One of 212-part series
of "Elävänä" live concerts in Oulu Radio 1989-1994, hosted by Hannu Karjalainen.
- YLE, Radiomafia 13.04.1996. Jee jee jee, part 15: Art rock - deep
One-hour-long radio programme concentrates on the Wigwam story, featuring comments
by Jukka Gustavson, Rekku Rechardt and Pedro Hietanen, among others, and snippets
from YLE's Wigwam tapes from the '70s.
- YLE, Radio Extrem 07.03.1999. Rockdok.
Jan Jacobson presents Wigwam: Nuclear Nightclub.
- YLE, Radio Suomi 09.12.2000. Wigwamin tarina.
Two-hour-long Wigwam story by Pasi Hiihtola & Pekka Tapani Laine. Comments by Mats Huldén, Nikke Nikamo, Jukka Gustavson,
Jim Pembroke, Pekka Rechardt, Otto Donner, Pave Maijanen, Tapio Korjus.
- YLE, Radiomafia 07.10.2001. Progeyö 7 - Progemyrsky.
Rekku Rechardt's interview & Tramdriver and Grass For Blades from the album Wigwam Plays Wigwam - Live.
- Radio Janne 24.11.2001 & 01.12.2001. Kompin kääntöpiiri.
Kimmo Pörsti's Wigwam special, including interview with Rekku Rechardt.
- YLE, Radio Suomi 26.05.2002. Valoa ikkunassa.
Rekku Rechardt interviewed by Seppo Pietikäinen.
- YLE, Radiomafia 30.05.2002. Tero Liete (in the morning) & Progeyö 9 (late at night).
Jim Pembroke & Rekku Rechardt live in Studio B (w/interview): Remains To Be Seen | Subterranean Sunrise | Nuclear Nightclub
| Heaven In A Modern World.
- YLE, Radio Extrem 01.09.2002. Progespecial.
Interview with Wigwam.
- Radio Janne 13.07.2003. Linnajazzin päätöskonsertti.
Interview with Rekku Rechardt | Bless Your Lucky Stars | Must Be The Devil | Lucky Golden Stripes And Starpose | Bitesize |
Answer To Life | Colossus > Bertha Come Back > Colossus (short reprise) | Heaven In A Modern World | Tombstone Valentine |
Do Or Die | encores: Nuclear Nightclub | No New Games To Play. Kimmo Pörsti was the host of this live show.
- YLE, YLEQ 07.06.2005. Popstudio.
Wigwam guesting on Susanna Korhonen's show.
- YLE, Radio Suomi and YLEQ 17.09.2005. Klassikoiden aika: Wigwam.
Hosted by Tero Liete.
- YLE, Radio Vega 04.04., 11.04., 18.04.2010. Fokus på Wigwam.
Three-part programme about Wigwam by Ole Holmberg, featuring interviews with Jukka Gustavson, Nikke Nikamo etc.
- KKFI-FM 01.06.2012. Obscuropean Friday.
Love Records Special, Part 1/2. Rick Chafen's interview with Otto Donner and music from Blues Section, Wigwam, Pekka Pohjola, and Tasavallan Presidentti.
- YLE, Radio Suomi 28.08.2018. Progeilta: Wigwam 50 v.
Jukka Gustavson, Pekka Rechardt and Jan Noponen interviewed by Jyrki Koskenseppä and playing their favourite Wigwam songs.
- Matti Puhtila's programmes in Radiomafia.
Year after year Wigwam and related records.
(By way of an example: 26.01.99 at 00:15 Frederick & Bill and Do The Pigworm were
played one after the other; 22.04.01 at 04:15 Grass For Blades ('74 live) after the Royals cover of Just My Situation.)
Mats Huldén
- YLE, Swedish programme 03.02.1973. Amerika, jag åkallar inte ditt namn förgäves.
Programme about Pablo Neruda by Mischa Hietanen, Marjorita Huldén and Anneli Mäkelä. Music by Mats Huldén.
- YLE, Radio Östnyland 08.01.1989. Musik som yrke.
Ronnie Österberg
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 1972. Lastenradio: Liisan seikkailut ihmemaassa.
Multi-part radio play for children, directed by Philip Donner, Antero Honkanen & Jukka Ruohomäki. Ronnie on the drums.
- YLE, Swedish programme 18.06.1978. Plektrum.
Ronnie Österberg gives advice for drummers.
- YLE, Swedish programme 02.09.1978-. Smultronstället.
Weekly music show - "One hour of electric dreams with Ronnie Österberg".
Jim Pembroke
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 29.01.1973. Kuuma peukalo O'Riley.
Pembroke interviewed by Jouko Blomberg.
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 08.01.1980. Rockmusiikin teemailta.
Nuclear Nightclub | Friend From The Fields
Recorded live in Härmärock concert, Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki 19.12.1979.
- Sveriges Radio, P3. Radiohuset, Stockholm 24.01.1981.
Jim Pembroke & Jukka Orma: 4 Million Telephones - Nuclear Nightclub - Think About It - Insects - Drinks At The Cairo Bar
- YLE 30.01.1981. Tänään iltapäivällä.
Pembroke interviewed by Tuuli Saarakkala and Kari Somerjoki + 4 Million Telephones.
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 06.06.1982. Provinssirockradio.
Hasse Walli Band
- Radio City 23.04.1986. Muusikon valinta.
- Radio Ykkönen 02.06.1988 & 23.07.1988. Bluesklubi.
Harri Saksala, Antero Jakoila, Jim Pembroke, Oiling Boiling R & B Band
- Radio Ykkönen 21.06.1988. Sörkkä-rock.
Filthy Rich
- Loveradio. Kirjasto 10, Helsinki 05.10.2006.
Just My Situation | Friend From The Fields | Answer To Life | Nuclear Nightclub | Money Is King | Grass For Blades | Do The
Pigworm | Lost Without A Trace
Between songs, played on a grand piano, Pembroke was interviewed by Otto Donner.
- Radio Classic 27.08.2014. Classicin aamu.
Jim Pembroke interviewed by Tapio Ylinen.
- KKFI 90.1 FM (Kansas City) 12.09.2014. The Real Deal (Obscuropean Fridays).
Jim Pembroke interviewed by Rick Chafen.
Jukka Gustavson
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 01.11.1976. "Merikanto ja muita suomalaisia erikoisuuksia". Produced by Erkka Lehtola.
Finland's programme in the Nordring 76 competition. Repeated on Rinnakkaisohjelma 01.08.1977.
- YLE, Swedish programme 23.04.1978. Plektrum.
Jukka Gustavson gives advice for organists.
- YLE, late 1979 or early 1980.
Sahti: Säikkyvä | Poutapilves | Eksoottinen tuoksu | Unitodesta
- YLE, Radio 2 02.06.1986. Synteettisiä sävelrunoja.
Music by Jukka Gustavson from modern dance works 'Eriääri' and 'Syvyyden pinnalla', composed 1983-1985.
- Radio City 11.10.1986. Muusikon valinta.
- YLE, Radiomafia 14.06.1992. Hipnoosi: Jukka Gustavson & Huomisen musiikin ystävät.
interview - Metsä - interview - Kontrasteja - interview - Huone (Punainen huone)* - interview - Punos* - interview -
Kultakilo* - interview - Ajan täytyy (Time must) - interview - Linnamme raunioina, temppelimme ryöstettynä*
Music produced for this programme has remained otherwise unreleased, although Metsä and Kontrasteja were later reworked for
the Kadonnut Häviämättömiin album. Four tracks marked with an asterisk
(*) originate from Väreilyä - Syntesteettinen synteesi dance work's soundtrack.
- YLE, Radiomafia 13.05.1998. Jee jee jee -konsertti, Tavastia, Helsinki.
- YLE, Radio Suomi 04.09.1999. Valoa ikkunassa.
Jukka Gustavson interviewed by Hannu Suolanen.
- YLE, Ylen Ykkönen 17.09.2001. Jazzradio: Tampere Jazz Happening 2000.
Suhkan Uhka (feat. Jukka Gustavson), recorded at Tampereen Pakkahuone 05.11.2000.
- YLE, Radio 1 03.01.2005. Jazzradio live!
Jukka Gustavson solo (Kallion urkuviikot), recorded at restaurant Rytmi, Helsinki, 05.01.2004.
- YLE, YLEQ 09.04.2005. Klassikoiden aika.
Jukka Gustavson guesting on Harri Tuominen's show.
- YLE, YLEQ 23.10.2005. Jatzofrenia.
Live-special: Me'Shell Ndegeocello and Jukka Gustavson & UMO. Dj Markka.
- YLE, Radio 1 16.01.2006. UMO Live!
- YLE, Radio Vega 17.10.2010. Korpo Sea Jazz 2010.
Jukka Gustavson Band, recorded at Korpo Sea Jazz 31.07.2010.
- YLE, Radio Suomi 24.03.2011. Lähikuvassa Jukka Gustavson.
Jake Nyman interviews Gustavson and plays the following pieces: En aio paeta (Hard N'Horny) | Chest Fever (1970 live) | Highlights of an Ordinary Day (Community Jazz) | Raingrey Town (in English, instead of the Swedish version released on Björn Krause's 'Lunch') | Love Trusts (Strandberg Project feat. Paul Jackson: At the Seasound)
- YLE, Radio Suomi 25.03.2012. Miten minusta tuli minä: Jukka Gustavson.
Gustavson interviewed by Harri Tuominen.
- Radio Helsinki 12.04.2012. Musaneuvosto.
Gustavson interviewed by Markus Nordenstreng & Arto Pajukallio.
- YLE, Radio Vega 12.02.2014. Fokus på Jukka Gustavson.
Björn Krause focusing on Gustavson's solo career.
- YLE, Radio Vega 12.02.2014. Fokus på Wigwam's "Being" som kom ut för 40 år sedan.
Part 2 of 'Fokus på Jukka Gustavson'.
- Radio Classic 20.11.2014. Classicin aamu.
Jukka Gustavson interviewed by Tapio Ylinen.
- YLE Puhe 17.06.2016. KulttuuriCocktail. Pääseekö Prince taivaaseen?
Jukka Gustavson interviewed by Tuomas Karemo about Prince and the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses.
- YLE, Radio 1 19.03.2017. Jazzklubi. Jukka Gustavson & UMO: Hammond ja big band.
1. Welcome-rag | 2. Suomalainen zekkailu-mentaliteetti | 3. Coronation | 4. Ode to the Poor | 5. Hypelkää pehmeästi oi kuunsäteet | 6. Jubilee | 7. Meren pauhu, meren laulu | 8. Alla tähden alakulon
Compositions by Gustavson except 3. & 6. by Esa Onttonen. Arrangements by Esa Onttonen. UMO's conductor Mikko Hassinen. Recorded at Vuotalo, Helsinki, 19.04.2016.
- YLE, Radio Vega 21.09.2018. Vår Musik: Wigwam firar 50 år - Jukka Gustavson berättar om livet och musiken.
Jukka Gustavson, interviewed by Tomas Ek, playing his favourite Wigwam tracks.
Pekka Pohjola
- YLE, 12.03.1973. Makasiini. Kuukauden taiteilijavieras Pekka Pohjola.
Hosted by Jouko Blomberg.
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 08.03.1978. Pekka ja Blues sekä muuta jazzia lapsille.
Recorded at YLE's Liisankatu studio in the morning of the same day, Pohjola plays bass in Esko Linnavalli's band.
- Sveriges Radio. Tonkraft 26.04.1978(?).
The Group: Thai > Ripple Marks | introductions | Masochist Tango > drum solo | Bahama Mama | Gado-Gado > Annapurna | Armoton idylli
Recorded in Mariahissen, Stockholm, 15.03.1978(?).
- Pori Jazz Festival, Pori 1978.
The Group: Introduction | Let Me Eat | Berenice's Hair
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 06.09.1978. Nordring -78 viihdeohjelmakilpailu.
The Group: Vesa Aaltonen, Olli Ahvenlahti, Pekka Pohjola, Seppo Tyni; backed by the orchestra of the Norwegian Broadcast Company in Oslo. Conductor: Esa Linnavalli. Producer: Erkki Lehtola
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 27.03.1979. The Group -yhtye ja Sibelius-Akatemian Sinfoniaorkesteri A konsertoivat.
The Group and Sibelius Academy's Symphony Orchestra A, conducted by Esko Linnavalli, play Olli Ahvenlahti and Pekka Pohjola's composition 'Group Picture'. Recorded at Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki, in February 1979
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 20.11.1979. UMO:n kotimainen jazzkonsertti.
Live from Hotel Hesperia's nightclub. Compositions of Eero Koivistoinen, Jukka Linkola, and Pekka Pohjola, were played, but it's unclear whether Pohjola was among the musicians
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 08.01.1980. Rockmusiikin teemailta.
Ensimmäinen aamu. (Besides this composition of his own, Pohjola played the bass throughout the concert as a member of the backing band.)
Recorded live in Härmärock concert, Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki 19.12.1979.
- YLE. Lepakko, Helsinki 1980.
Imppu's Tango | Unikuvia (Kädet suoristavat veden) | Dancing In The Dark.
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 27.07.1981. Maanantaijazzia.
Pekka Pohjola Group & Radio Big Band Berlin
- Sveriges Radio, P3 06.08.1982. Royal Garden Fuse / YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 06.08.1982. Rockjazzia Hässelbystä.
Pekka Pohjola Group: Heavy Jazz | Try To Remember | Imppu's Tango | New Impressionist
Live from Hässelby Slottspark, Stockholm
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 25.12.1982. Lauantaimatinea Kööpenhaminassa.
Music by Seppo "Paroni" Paakkunainen, Pekka Pohjola, and Jukka Tolonen. Live from Danish Radio's large music studio.
- YLE, Rinnakkaisohjelma 28.10.1984. Pekka Pohjola Group konserttilavalla.
Strangling | No Way Out | Blues For Verneri | Heavy Jazz | American Carousel | Risto
Recorded live at Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki, 07.09.1984
- Radio City 16.08.1986. Muusikon valinta.
- Radio Ykkönen 10.08.1988. Vuorenhuiput.
Pohjola guesting in Tuija Vuori's show.
- YLE, Radio Östnyland 12.02.1989. Musik som yrke.
- YLE, Radiomafia 21.01.1993. Jazz It!
Strangling > No Way Out | Waltz For Iikka | Innocent Questions | Fanatic Answers | Changing Waters | Waltz For Outi | Benjamin
Live from Jumo Jazzclub, Helsinki. Pekka Pohjola Group: Pekka Pohjola, b, Markku Kanerva, gtr, Seppo Kantonen, keys, Anssi Nykänen, dr.
- YLE, Radiomafia 06.02.1994. Jazz It!
Changing Waters | Imppu's Tango | New Impressionist | Heavy Jazz | Risto | Flight Of The Angel
Live from Jumo Jazzclub, Helsinki. Pekka Pohjola Group: Pekka Pohjola, b, Markku Kanerva, gtr, Seppo Kantonen, keys, Anssi Nykänen, dr.
- YLE, Ylen Ykkönen 19.08.1996. Unta sataa.
Ismo Alanko, Petri Alanko, Pekka Pohjola and Olli Pohjola discuss various kinds of music.
- YLE, Radio Extrem 05.11.1997. In i dimman.
- YLE, Radio Vega 03.12.2002. Studio Vega.
Pekka Pohjola interviewed.
- Sveriges Radio, P2 15.12.2002.
Pekka Pohjola interviewed by Tomas Tornefjell.
- YLE, Radio 1 29.05.2003. Jazzpastori: Pekka Pohjola ja Perry Robinson kirjallisesti.
Hosted by Markku Salo.
- YLE, Radio 1 04.02.2004. Radion sinfoniaorkesterin konsertti. (Repeated on 08.02.2004)
The premiere of Pekka Pohjola's orchestral work 'Emmi'.
- YLE, Radio 1 11.02.2004. Kamariorkesteri Avanti! konsertoi.
Pekka Pohjola's concerto for accordion and chamber orchestra, 'Bayan', recorded at the premiere in the Helsinki Conservatory of Music, 01.02.2004.
- YLE, Radio 1 30.05.2005. Jazzradio Live!
Pekka Pohjola Band & Pori Sinfonietta recorded at Pori Jazz, Kirjurinluoto Concert Park, 25.07.2004.
- YLE, Radio Vega 21.12.2008. Fokus på Pekka Pohjola.
Memorial programme by Tomas Tornefjell.
- YLE, Radio 1 29.12.2008. Jazzradio: Pekka Pohjola -ilta.
Unreleased studio and live recordings from 1979, 2000 and 2004:
Nykänen (from the series 'Keesojen Lehto' 1977) || The Group 1979: Bassokansanlaulu | Annapurna | Armoton idylli || The Group 1980: Sampoliini || Pekka Pohjola Group 1985: Paine | Enkeli lenteli || UMO featuring Pekka Sarmanto 2000: Me-series || Pekka Pohjola Band with Pori Sinfonietta (premiere, recorded in July 2004 at Pori Jazz, Kirjurinluoto): Bayan (five-piece accordion concerto).
- YLE, Radio 1 15.08.2009. Välilevyjä.
Olli Virtaperko analyses Pohjola as a composer. The following pieces were played: Uusi Impressionisti (excerpt) | Planetist | Ja näkee unta | Vapour Trails | Sinfonia Nro 1 (excerpt) | Risto
Risto recorded at Pohjola's memorial concert at Tavastia Club, Helsinki, 14.02.2009, featuring Pekka Pohjola Group: Seppo Kantonen, Markku Kanerva, Anssi Nykänen, Lauri Porra.
- YLE, Radio 1 30.07.2011. Romantiikan klassikko: Säveltäjäbasistin sentimentaalinen sinfonia.
Pohjola's Sinfonia Nro 1 presented by Olli Virtaperko.
Pekka Rechardt
Måns Groundstroem
- YLE, Swedish programme 07.05.1978. Plektrum.
Måns Groundstroem gives advice for bassists.
Esa Kotilainen
Pedro Hietanen